Mood Board
Final Design Idea
Slightly modified boltpistol of my own design.
Sketch Up Model
Tried cutting it out in wood on the CNC machine but it didn't work, it broke the cutter.
I cut it out of Styrofoam instead. it came out rather rough so applied filler all over and sanded it down to make it smooth.
I drew up a design for the banner that will go on my pistol on photoshop, then imported it to illustrator and got it laser cut. I also had the lettering engraved on the top panel
I made a decorative skull out of clay. I wanted to make it using 3D modelling software so I could 3D print it. however I was struggling to use blender and I was running out of time.
For the Blood drop gem I made one from clay first, then used a silicon moulding kit to make a couple of moulds, then used resin with some red transparent pigment to cast the gems.
I tried using foam pieces for the wings but the came out a bit flat,. I tries using filler to add more depth to the wings, and I also tried sculpting out of clay. I felt the clay worked best. it gave the most depth.
made the entire piece oy of clay, then made a mould of it and cast in resin. it didn't occur to to I could have used another casting material such as plater of Paris.